Partnership Program

Our goal is to build with our partners the infrastructure that allows official and state lotteries to be more circular, with near-zero operating and maintenance cost, in a format designed for the blockchain age while maintaining the brick-and-mortar business model.


How important will blockchain technology be to the world's economy and lottery industry?

It is forecast that blockchain will generate an annual business value of $3 trillion by 2030 and by 20% of global economic infrastructure will be running on blockchain-based systems. In the wake of an increased blockchain offering, lotteries have had to adapt and change their approach to stay relevant to a new generation of players that soon expect to do everything on blockchain. With an increased blockchain adoption and a shift in consumer behavior, it’s time to focus on a seamless, secure, and autonomous solution that converges traditional experience and disruptive technologies.


How can lotteries establish their blockchain footprint while maintaining their traditional brick-and-mortar business model?

Our blockchain as a service (BaaS) and full inclusion model are designed to effectively bridge the gap between a blockchain gaming experience and traditional practice, while maintaining the lottery’s critical process and values as central to the business model. MyLottoCoin is the world’s first fully autonomous blockchain-based solution incorporating the elements of traditional lotteries into the security, reliability, transparency and performance of blockchain technology.


How classic lotteries can benefit from a partnership with MyLottoCoin?

MyLottoCoin provides a blockchain based solution to all official and state lotteries that is:

  • Smart and powered by a full autonomous operation
  • Inclusive, with traditional players and blockchain enthusiasts in mind
  • Maintaining the rules of classic lotteries and business model
  • Eliminating the slow and labour intensive processes
  • A near-zero operating and maintenance cost
  • Customizable, auditable, multifaceted, and revolutionary
  • An ultimate seamless and secure experience to players
  • Powered by a first-of-its-kind loyalty program

Become a partner today

For more details, please get in touch with us via email